Killgerm Training

Wakefield Road, Ossett
Wakefield, WF5 9AJ

Training Hours

Monday to Friday
8:30am to 5:15pm

Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Pesticides (PA1 & PA6)
Reservation: 17/02/2025 - 19/02/2025

Course Schedule:
Training and Information days: 17th & 18th February 2025
Assessment: 19th February 2025


This event is fully booked. You can join the waitlist, and if an eligible space becomes available, you will be notified by email with the opportunity to reserve it.

There are 8 spaces left on the waitlist.

You can reserve up to 1 spaces on this waitlist.

Please note, that you have 36 hours to confirm any reserved spaces once they become available, a notification will be sent immediately when an eligible spot opens up.

Course Details:
Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Pesticides (PA1 & PA6)
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Award: Lantra Awards Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Pesticides
Course Duration: 2 days plus 1 day examination

A recognised certificate of competence is required in order to use professional use herbicides – ‘weedkillers’ such as glyphosate. Legislation requires anyone who uses pesticides in the course of employment or business to have received adequate instruction and to be competent in the duties undertaken. This requirement applies to both the safe use and handling of pesticides and the application method(s) used including sprayers.
The relevant training / certification is a PA1 & PA6. Now, this is called a Level 2 Award in the Safe use of Pesticides. The mandatory unit is PA1 Principles of Safe Pesticide Application. Then application unit 6 is needed, which is ‘PA6 Hand held pesticides applicators’. This training leads to an industry recognised qualification from Lantra.
Delegates will need to undertake the Foundation module (PA1) plus a relevant application module (PA6 in this case). Assessment for the recognised Certificate of Competence takes place at a different time. PA1 assessments are taken as an online test, approx duration one hour.

Course Content:


  • Legislation
  • Interpreting product label information
  • Personal Safety and contamination
  • Pesticide and container storage
  • Disposal
  • Record Keeping
  • Environmental Factors


  • Applicator set-up Nozzles
  • Read and interpret labels
  • Equipment
  • Environmental Risk Assessment
  • Application of pesticide to area
  • Cleaning sprayer and PPE Application Records

Those who require a recognised certificate of competence to purchase and use professional-use herbicides such as ‘weedkillers’ for control of weeds on hard surfaces e.g. Roundup Pro Vantage 480. Also suitable for those wanting to purchase and use K-Obiol EC25 a powerful liquid grain protectant combining deltamethrin and piperonyl butoxide to provide effective, long-lasting control of stored product pests. Suitable for fabric treatments and direct grain application. Furthermore, horticultural products for control of moth larvae, such Brown-tail moth caterpillar Euproctis chrysorrhoea and Box caterpillar Cydalima perspectalis can be used following this qualification.


BPCA Points: TBC

Course Charges:
£595 + VAT per person (includes training literature, PA1 Exam, PA6 practical assessment, Awarding Organisation registration fee, lunch & refreshments).